Pre-Retreat Classes Schedule, July 8th - July 22nd

6:00 - 9:00pmTuesday, July 8th

Held virtually on Zoom

6:00 - 9:00pmTuesday, July 15th

Held virtually on Zoom

6:00 - 9:00pmTuesday, July 22nd

Held virtually on Zoom

Retreat Course Daily Schedule, July 28th - August 1st*

8:15 - 9:30amClass with Fr. Isaac Slater

Prayer in the Church9:30 - 10:00am

Break10:00 - 10:30am

10:30 - 11:45amClass with Fr. Isaac Slater

4:00 - 5:15pmSeminar with Professor Lickona

*Monastic Prayer at the Abbey

Students will be free to attend any of the hours of monastic prayer during the week. The schedule can be found here:

Post-Retreat Class

6:30-8:00pmTuesday, August 5th

Location Information

  • Abbey of the Genesee
  • 3258 River Road, Piffard, NY, 14533 US


Lisa Lickona, S.T.L. Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology

Rev. Isaac Slater, OCSO

What Students are Saying:

“As a cradle Catholic I prayed daily. In formation I prayed more fervently. It was not until attending the contemplative prayer class that I truly learned how to pray and have found the pearl of great price.” - Rob Bohm

“No matter where you are on your faith journey, the Contemplative Prayer Retreat at the Abbey of the Genesee will be meaningful and fruitful. You will meet new friends, share in sacred texts and go beyond where you think you can go. I was lucky enough to take this class in 2024, with 10 extraordinary people who welcomed me and inspired me to go deeper into my relationship with our Lord. If you choose this class, I trust that you will find the experience to be just what you need for your journey of faith.”

“What is better than to invest five days contemplating our Lord in a beautiful, peace-giving setting? Join a theologian and a monk-priest in what will be a transformative event. You will be amazed at the formation you receive (earn?) as you contemplate God guided by experts and supported by a community of loving, authentic, and mature graduate students. Decide to invest in yourself. Decide to step away from the every day to experience God uniquely. Draw closer to God in this life-changing course. It is more than a graduate course; it is a week of indelible formation and transformation. Just do it!”


There is a 15-person cap for this Retreat Course. Preference will be given in registration to students who are taking the course for credit (registration, as well as the standard tuition and fees billing/payment process, will be managed via Populi). 

The Retreat Course book list and syllabus will be emailed to you in early June.

For new non-matric students only, follow these steps listed below to complete your Retreat Course registration: 

  1. First select that you're taking the Abbey Retreat Course as a non-matric below
  2. Enter any dietary restrictions you might have (if applicable) 
  3. Begin your application below (for new, non-matric seeking students only) 

  • $375 covers accommodations and meals

  • $375 covers accommodations and meals

  • A limit of 4 auditing spots are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. Once the 4 slots have been filled, you can still place your name on a Wait List by following the below link. After the registration credit deadline passes on June 16th, St. Bernard's will reach out to you if any auditor spots are available. Once accepted, auditors will be charged the usual auditing fee ($375) via Populi, as well as the $375 for accommodations and meals.


For new non-matric students only. Should you have any questions, please contact St. Bernard's Admissions Director, Matt Brown, at: [email protected].


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  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software